Wraparound care - Fun Club

Welcome to Broadfield Primary Academy Fun Club!

At BPA, we have our own Breakfast and After School Club. This is run by our Teaching Assistants and can be booked via the school office. The morning session is available from 7:30am and the after school session until 6:00pm. The wraparound care is available Monday to Friday during termtime.  

Opening Times

The club is open from Monday to Friday:

Breakfast Club - 7:30am to 8:30am

After School Club - 3:15pm to 6:00pm


Fees are reviewed on an annual basis, generally taking effect from September of the current year to coincide with the School’s financial year.

The fee for the Breakfast Club is currently £6.00 per child, per session.

The fee for the After-School Club is currently £12 per child, per session.

There is a late collection fee (after 6pm) of £20 for the first 15 minutes and then £5 for each 15 minutes thereafter.

We also offer a discount for siblings who attend BPA 

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