

At Broadfield, we follow the TKAT Music Scheme to deliver our music curriculum. This sequence of learning is aligned with the National Curriculum, supporting all its requirements: listening, singing, playing, composing, improvising and performing. 

The scheme follows a spiral approach to musical learning, with children revisiting, building and extending their knowledge and skills incrementally. In this manner, their learning is consolidated and augmented, increasing musical confidence and enabling them to go further. 

Its philosophy of music education is that it should be fun and engaging for all, and that every child is born a musician. The academic year is divided into six units, the first of which provides a foundation to be built upon as children explore key skills in rhythm, pitch and composition.


The first unit for each year group introduces a variety of songs and games designed to develop children’s auditory processing skills - listening, responding and finding their ‘singing voice’ - as well as providing a foundation which is built upon in subsequent units. Each unit builds up a set of key skills and knowledge aiming to develop their performance skills alongside these. The subsequent units for each year group are centred around key musical skills: rhythm, pitch, notation, composition and improvisation.

In key stage 1, lessons are taught in short 10-minute sessions throughout the week to embed the skills which are built on throughout the school year. In key stage 2, some lessons are taught in a similar style or in a singular, weekly 40 minute lesson depending on the needs of the unit being taught.


As a result of learning using the TKAT Music Scheme, children will listen, sing, move, play instruments, and perform a wide variety of songs in many styles. With focus on teaching about the elements of music through songs and games, children continue to develop their knowledge and skills related to these foundational building blocks of music. 

Children are encouraged to think deeply about the world, their communities, and their relationships with others. They are also encouraged to engage with and inquire into the broader role music plays or enjoys in our lives and society.

Mission Statement:


