A Welcome from BPA

Welcome to Broadfield Primary Academy!

I am really proud of our school and its pupils. At Broadfield Primary Academy,  we provide the tools for our children to have successful futures. We aim to develop in every child the behaviours to become lifelong learners, exposing them to possibilities and developing in them desire, ambition and aspiration.   We aim for our children to leave us with the tools, pathway and drive to succeed in our ever changing world.

Our curriculum is broad, exciting and enjoyable so that children can build positive memories of their primary years and grow as confident, considerate and resilient young people.

Our core values are  ‘Aim High, Be Kind, Celebrate Difference’ and these underpin our approach to all that we do.

We value every child and their family and believe that children learn best when parents and school work in partnership.

I am always very happy to answer questions or provide more information. I look forward to meeting you.